One of the greatest challenges beauty techs, nail salons, hair salons and spa's have is getting clients, which translates to monthly profits. Because of this, many salons and spa's are struggling to make ends meet and are falling behind on bills due to lack of available funds. When businesses find themselves in this kind of situation, closing their doors seem to be the only option.
However, the help needed for struggling salons and spa's could be as simple as marketing. By making changes to how the salon is marketing their beauty services could mean the difference between a few hundred dollars a month or several thousand dollars coming in every month. That's what putting the right marketing strategy in place can do, but many beauty businesses can't seem to find that right strategy.
There is one marketing strategy, though, that is working to bring in money and clients at a phenomenal rate for salon and spa owners. This marketing strategy is modeled after one of the most successful businesses today. You know it as Groupon.
Groupon makes millions of dollars a year simply by selling daily deals to their subscribers and this figure is growing everyday. Currently, this "Groupon model" or Personal Contact Advertising as it is called, is being implemented by many salons and spa's and it's doing wonders for their bottom line.
Personal Contact Advertising is about making people an offer they simply can't refuse, while not selling yourself cheap. It's about being your own "Groupon" and having your own daily deal promotions. People today are being programmed to look for daily deals and some salons and spa's have taken note of this and using it to their advantage with much success.
For example, one beauty marketer, Safbrina Hayer, made $16,000 using the "daily deal" way of promoting salon services in a single month. Like Safbrina, many businesses now use Personal Contact Advertising to make money and get clients as it offers a solid marketing strategy that consistently brings measurable results.
So, whether your salon or spa is struggling or if your beauty business simply needs a boost in profits, this marketing strategy may be something you want to look into. Groupon seems to know how to get the attention of the masses and it's always good to follow a successful business model.